Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Geekception - xkcd style phylogenetic trees!

Over at the awesome Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology blog, Liam Revell has provided R code and instructions on how biologists can take thier love of phylogenies to a new level. xkcd style tree drawing. I kid ye not, here's proof:

This is a tree I'm working with at the moment for Spinicaudatan clam shrimp. Totally putting this in a presentation....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mantis Bomb!


Original article @ Metro

Geckos don't suck

They stick. Here's a cool article about my good friend Alyssa Stark's research (I have helped them with Scanning Electron Microscope Imaging in the past). Everyone loves Geckos (they just look so clueless, like naked, slow squirrels). The Niewiarowski lab at the University of Akron looks at a lot of cool evolutionary aspects of herps, they also work closely with our established polymers lab in making crazy bio inspired tech.