Friday, March 9, 2012

Here goes...

I've been trying to blog for over a year now, with four failed attempts under my belt I've decided to try again. In this latest iteration I'm going to attempt to document the final part of my PhD, the projects I'm working on, travelling and things that happen along the way. I'm 3.5 years in to a doctorate degree in Integrated Bioscience. I am attempting to integrate palaeontology and evolutionary biology in a project that looks into the evolutionary dynamics associated with the origination, duration and extinction of sexual systems over geologic time (more on this later).

This blog is mainly an attempt to collect and articulate my thoughts and experiences. I'm looking to become more fluent in explaining science and concepts/ideas I find interesting. I want to be a good teacher. I find nothing more frustrating than not being able to explain myself. Actually that's a lie, I find queue jumpers on the interstate to be the scum of the earth and selfish driving infuriates me. Anyway, what I mean is that I'm hoping this endeavor will make me better at what I want to do. It's worth a try, right?

Posts about music and science fiction will likely work their way into this blog at points because a) I love them both & b) they save me from a life of that would otherwise consist entirely of multivariate analyses and paper edits (the dream-crushing, reality-dominating aspects of academia).

Don't hold your breath...